TrendingThursday @ Night - 01.19.23

2 years ago

TwoSistas and TrendingThursday @ Night, January 19, 2023!! What’s trending? The passing of David Crosby of Crosby Stills Nash & Young. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and friends. The group was not always together and along the way there were many different variations. Their music was certainly timeless.

On to more Trending news - Alec Baldwin formerly charged w/involuntary manslaughter - the Sistas opinions (and facts) - the forensics report and yes; you have to pull the trigger in order for a weapon to fire! When the weapon is in your possession YOU are responsible - that’s a fact!! A gun does not shoot by itself and according to the forensics report, that of course backs that theory! There are a lot of missing pieces and a lot of questions yet to be answered! How the heck did live ammunition come into play? We cannot speculate - when a firearm is in your possession it is your responsibility - that’s a fact!!

What else is trending? Into the new year - 3 weeks - where is your health and wellness at??!! How do you challenge yourself and what do you do when you cannot do something? You focus on what you can do!!

All that Trending with the Sistas and so much more on this TrendingThursday @ Night!

What’s trending for you with everything happening in the world today? We always appreciate your input, your thoughts, and all of your comments! We may not always agree but so respect your opinions! Let us know what you thought of this TrendingThursday Podcast. Go to our website and leave us a voice message:

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