Very Dear To My Heart (About Page)

2 years ago

I want to speak to you today once again about the things which are very dear to my heart! I am referring to the words which I have prepared for the About page for my website!
For in these words you shall be able to hear where I am standing before God the Father; both with my understanding of the scriptures, and with my understanding of his church!...
Therefore let me now read the words to you which I have prepared for the About page of my website which are these:
Greetings dear friend,
Welcome to this website! As you are able to see from the title of this website, all files on this website are speaking of those things which are very dear to my heart!...
Therefore, when I am speaking of those things which are very dear to my heart, then I am speaking both of the scriptures and of a particular church. For both things do go hand in hand since one thing is not complete without the other! In other words, the scriptures are not complete without the church! And in like manner the church is not complete without the scriptures!
Therefore, at least according to my understanding of the scriptures, and according to my spirit of discernment, I have come to the conclusion that it is the will of God the Father to call forth a church in time to come! And at the end of this year it indeed will be ten years since I began to believe this to be true!
However, over the last ten years I have greatly changed in the way I do handle this matter! In other words, over the last ten years I have greatly changed in the way I do handle those things which are very dear to my heart! For only by the great and unspeakable grace of God; only by this heavenly gift I indeed have been able to experience great spiritual growth in my life concerning those things which are very dear to my heart! To the point where I now do feel greatly ashamed while remembering any of my older websites concerning this matter, for example!
And I shall compare this great change in my heart with a preacher who is preparing his notes for his upcoming sermon! Therefore, if I do remember it right, it was in the year of two thousand and four when I heard a preacher say the following words concerning this matter, or such like:
"At first, when I begin to prepare for my upcoming sermon, then I am getting very excited about my notes which I am preparing for my upcoming sermon! But soon hereafter I begin to see all my great flaws, and all my great confusion and errors throughout all these notes! And therefore I now do have no choice but to start all over again!
And then once I finally have redone all these notes again, and once I am able to see the great difference between the old notes and the new, then I begin to tell myself the following: In light of my great improvement which I now have been able to make on my notes for my upcoming sermon, how was it even possible for me to be so excited about my old notes in the beginning? For my new notes for my upcoming sermon are so much better!"
And guess what, all those preachers who heard what this preacher had to say concerning these things, all these preachers were all nodding their heads in full agreement! For all of them knew too well that this is how it works in the lives of those who need to prepare their notes for their upcoming sermon!
And this is exactly what I am speaking about when I am speaking about how I, over the last ten years, have greatly changed in the way I now do handle those things which are very dear to my heart! To the point where I now do feel greatly ashamed while remembering any of my older websites concerning this matter as I already told you!
For just as this preacher had no choice but to start all over with his notes for his upcoming sermon, so I, in like manner, had no choice but to start all over with those things which are very dear to my heart!
I indeed am not better than all these preachers of whom I spoke to you of! Therefore, if all these preachers often have no choice but to start all over with their notes for their upcoming sermon, how much more did I need to start all over with my notes which I did prepare for both of my speeches concerning those things which are very dear to my heart?
My first speech is called Very Dear To My Heart (Part One), and my second speech is called Very Dear To My Heart (Part Two)!...
Therefore, what about if the time shall come wherein I once again shall be compelled to greatly improve in these things, due to all my great flaws, and due to all my great confusion and errors concerning this matter which I did not see before? My answer is that I then once again shall have a willing heart to learn from all my past experience, and thus be willing to continuously improve in this matter until the day I die!

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