Episode 30: Radicalisation of Jewish Children

2 years ago

First aired on 20 August 2022

In occupied Palestine, the resistance faces the Zionist entity daily. It faces the military, the settlers' movement, a racist political system, and a cruel state bureaucracy.

These institutions depend on support from outside the Zionist entity. The Zionist movement is engaged in long-term planning to build that support.

This is a process of turning young Jews outside Palestine into partisans of Zionism. It is a process of grooming young people to radicalize them.

This is a real threat to national security in every country where the strategy is used. It educates, trains, and prepares young Jews to have a primary loyalty to the Zionist entity and encourages them to commit practically to the racist state ideology of the entity - Zionism.

How does this work? The most obvious way is by funding many thousands of young Jews (from age 18-32) to go on free propaganda tours to the Zionist entity – so called ‘birth-right’ tours. Or the ‘Israel Experience tours’ for 16-18-year-olds.

In reality, no Jew living in the UK or US has any ‘birth-right’ to the land of Palestine. But this racist settler colonial narrative is openly advertised by Zionist groups, including the most mainstream Zionist groups like the United Jewish Israel Appeal in the UK, the largest Zionist fundraising group.

Less obvious are the radicalization processes adopted for children at much younger ages. In fact, indoctrination starts as young as four or five years old - when children begin Primary school.

The UJIA refers to its approach as building a ‘lifelong connection’ to Israel. They begin with school exchanges with Israel, aiming to normalize the Zionist entity.

This is not just directed at Jewish kids but also at non-Jews in comprehensive education settings, for example in Glasgow. There is even a special program to infiltrate ‘Israeli’ citizens into British settings including primary and secondary schools.

Survey respondents overwhelmingly agreed that these agents of a hostile foreign power enhanced ‘their connection to Israel’, ‘understanding’ of Israel, and ‘knowledge’ of its ‘history’. But it's not just external Zionist groups.

Some schools are themselves openly committed to promoting the racist ideology of Zionism. For instance, the Hertsmere Jewish Primary School in North London says it is (p7) ‘Zionist’, and nearby Yavneh College in Elstree, North London advertised itself as ‘a religious Zionist school’ under the heading ‘Me and My Land’ – but British Jewish children have no right to the so-called ‘land of Israel’.

They boast of inviting extremist Zionist groups to indoctrinate the pupils including Mizrachi UK and Stand With Us. They are taught ‘how to be a positive advocate for Israel’. The penetration of British society by the racist Zionist movement is not accomplished just by external lobby groups but is integrated into the structure of British society, beginning in primary schools.

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