Exploring the Use of Psychedelics as a Treatment for Mental Health Disorders

2 years ago

🍄It is commonly thought that psychedelics are illegal, mind-altering substances. However, research has shown that they have received a negative reputation for decades. In the efforts to improve mental health services, support, and outcomes for individuals worldwide, the data cannot be disregarded: psychedelics may be the catalyst for a transformation in mental health care. Several independent and collaborative groups at Monash University are conducting research on psychedelics.

🧬The Clinical Psychedelic Research Lab, led by Dr. Paul Liknaitzky, is leading research into the clinical applications of various psychedelic-based treatments for mental health conditions. The Computational and Systems Neuroscience Lab, led by Associate Professor Adeel Razi, is examining basic science and brain imaging in healthy volunteers. The Anorexia and Feeding Disorders Group, led by Dr. Claire Foldi, is studying animal models of psilocybin treatment.

🧠The recently established Neuromedics Discovery Centre (NDC), an end-to-end cross-disciplinary center focused on driving the discovery of novel psychiatric drugs and new approaches to neuromedicine-assisted psychotherapies for the treatment of mental health disorders, is also conducting research. The NDC, led by Professor Arthur Christopoulos of Monash University, brings together the combined expertise and resources of leading researchers and collaborators to advance new treatments for mental ill-health through the entire medications development process, from drug discovery and optimization to clinical trials, new healthcare guidelines, and public policy.

🔹The focus of the Monash University expertise is to find better treatments for common psychiatric illnesses, improve mental health treatment methods, and achieve better outcomes and save lives.

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