Revision of Paul Harvey video. If I were the devil.

2 years ago

I previously uploaded this narrative Without watching the video first.

I apologize for my carelessness.

I do like the message.

When I viewed the previous video, I did not like the imagery.

I was embarrassed by my lack of attention.
19 people saw it I think...

Sorry... Not that this means anything without real Action on my part.

I did have Rumble remove it.

Too late for 19 people and myself who saw it.

Please pray for your monkey to be more responsible 🦍😔

Alex Jones version?.....
Well, it Is Better 😋

God bless you and your loved ones and may our Lord keep teaching this 'monkey' of His 🎶🐒🦅

You all know this monkey.
You know of his struggles and Joy.
He doesn't think or hardly remember struggles, but Joy?...
Oh Yes Constantly Overwhelmed in Joy for some reason!

Being in God Almighty Creator Jesus' hands is Indescribable... But I won't sell you on it...

I say it and walk away 🏄🎶🦅

He is dedicated to y'all. Eh? Worth a shot.
All Glory to God Almighty Creator Jesus

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