Bridge Call On HEALING

2 years ago

We had a great call on HEALING tonight. Probably cuz I received a healing from Danny himself. I did some emotional work on my self a few days ago and hit a core wound or trauma I didn't know still existed. That took me into the old emotion again. Feeling it for the first time, but this time alot more intensely. A few days later I shared with Danny what happened, he said well lets look to see if there is anything else that needs to come out. Needless to say there was over 300 past lives that were feeling the same trauma that needed some healing as well. He was able to clear out all the lives and the complete process should take about 2 wks. Well the next day you see me on the call laughing and having a good time. That was not me a few days ago. It was nothing but crying and thinking low vibrational thoughts. Not Fun.

One of the reasons why we do the Bridge call is so you can get the help you need either with me or Danny. Do not be left alone in suffering. We are here to help.

What is Healing? So much to be said on this topic. Anyone who's had good energy work or been to a good healer can honestly say it's changed their life.
Do not put off seeing one.

How to contact with either of us.
Danny Dalton:
Lucie Nadon:
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