How many goats can you bottle feed at one time?...

2 years ago

Raising these babies has been so much fun! We started out with the black and white Nigerian bottle baby. Her name is Delilah. A few days later, someone called and had the darker brown one and the white one that needed help. Their mom passed away leaving them at two weeks old. They are nubians. The brown one, a buck, is Copper and the white one, a doe, is Pearl. Not long after getting the nubians, someone else called and found the lighter one (far left) in the woods of their pasture by herself. None of the does would have anything to do with her. She was a few hours old when we got to her. She was still wet and very cold. Her back legs didn't want to work very good. We were worried and didn't have much hope in her living but we were going to try our best. We think she was born premature and once she got milk and vitamins in her she perked up and she is now doing great and keeping up with the others. She stayed inside for a while being loved and cared for. (Now she thinks she belongs inside all the time. 😂) She is a boer/kiko and her name is Rose. They have all been a lot of work but we have enjoyed having these bottle babies so much.

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