Fire From The Sky

1 year ago

While the mainstream propaganda media, the entertainment industry, and even academia, all of which is owned and controlled by the same Thirteen Families that remain perched on top of the rest of humanity, keep the population in complete hysteria about their new fictitious bogeyman, anthropogenic "climate change."
Yes, those in power have ALWAYS used fear to control us. Duh! They, at the same time, ignore the REAL existential threat that faces our planet, and it's NOT climate change. The Earth's climate has never been more stable in the last 200,000 years than it is right now. And carbon dioxide is the Gas of Life, not the demon that cult religious leaders like Al gore want everybody to believe it is. The planet needs more CO2 (>1,000ppm) for life to flourish, not the mere 400ppm that it's clinging to like a starving child right now.
No, the REAL existential threat that mankind faces is cosmic impacts, which happen more regularly than you think. Our solar system is like a busy freeway, with literally thousands of LARGE asteroids and comets crossing the path of our planet's orbit. For exhale the Taurid Complex, which Earth passes through twice a year. In fact, more Near Earth Objects (NEOs) are being discovered every day by astronomers.
This is a great 1997 documentary that was made by the people who discovered the Shoemaker-Levy comets that struck Jupiter in 1993, as well as the now famous Randall Carlson, who has been warning humanity about this cosmic threat for a long time. You would be wise to watch this edifying documentary, and to share it with your friends.
See my related article "The Thirteen Families"

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