WEF: Americans Must Be Stripped of First Amendment Rights “For Their Own Good”

2 years ago

The World Economic Forum has declared that the US First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press, must be consigned to history in order to allow for a successful "reboot" of humanity.

Make no mistake, they hate us for our freedoms.

The internet is a major problem for the elites. They want humanity to live in a world where political theater like the fake arrest of Greta Thunberg this week in Germany is broadcast into the homes of millions of people, where everybody accepts everything on face value because there is nobody left to question the narrative and expose the lies.

We are living through a full frontal assault on truth and decency, a time when lies are peddled as self-evident truths and anyone daring to tell the truth about the real agenda of the elites is slandered, vilified, attacked as insane... or even worse.

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