Is your breakfast killing you

2 years ago

If you want to get healthy and lose weight you should skip breakfast.

True or False?

Let’s find out.

Until the 1800s most breakfasts were leftovers from dinner.

By the late 1900s the Industrial Revolution took people off farms and into factories.

People were moving less, and those heavy leftovers caused indigestion.

So, the idea of a lighter breakfast was created, and we got cereals, adding tons of sugar, and using cheap grain.

Break-fast literally means it’s the first food activating the digestive system after the overnight hours when nothing was eaten. (Breaking-the-fast)

The thing is, it doesn’t matter WHEN you break the fast.

You can even break your fast at noon or 2pm.

It’s really WHAT you eat.

Because the first thing you eat will affect the response of two major things:

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