G4TV Adam Sessler HATES Gamers & Blames Trump?! Chrissie Mayr Recaps Dick Masterson & Vito Interview

2 years ago

Adam Sessler once formerly known and celebrated in the video game communities for his time on a show called X-Play on G4TV. The show was funny, edgy, and filled with gamer content. Interestingly after soo many years creating content centered around gaming for gamers... Adam now claims to hate video games, gamers, and also Donald Trump in wild eyed rant during the recording of a podcast. Sessler being awfully sus these days... Were you a Sessler fan? What are your thoughts on this new direction of thought for the entertainer? Was the Frosk rant the last straw?

Chrissie Mayr recaps a Lofti Pixels cut of The Biggest Problem in the Universe with Sessler and co-hosts Dick Masterson and Vito Gesualdi.

Clip courtesy of:
@BiggestProblem @Loftipixels

#ChrissieMayr #adamsessler #frosk

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Clip & End Screen created by Fealty
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