135: Pt. 1 Buying the Lie of Gaslighting | Doug Tawlks on Spirit-Centered Business™

2 years ago

With a bit of nostalgia and a lot of fun I welcome my partner in crime against the enemy, Doug Tawlks back to SCB. He has recently revived The Patriot and the Preacher Show with his co-host Mark Anthony over on Spotify - see the link below. In this episode we talk about some of the guests and topics he’s had over there, as well as politics and religion mixing.

When people “don’t like you” when you disagree with them, it’s because they’re afraid.
Even though the enemy (the government) puts you through hell, you can still get closer to God through it.
When you can see the truth in front of you, don’t buy the lie that what you’re seeing is false…even if it’s coming from someone you’re supposed to trust.
People listen to influencers because they are successful in what they do.
When you’re operating your business in integrity, people will seek you out because they can trust you. Trust is earned. We’re going to be in demand!
The biggest signature we have comes from our presence, which comes from our identity.
Right now we need the gift of discerning spirits more than ever. Don’t fall for the “angel of light” that’s actually the enemy!

Visit his website: https://www.thelifebridge.org/
Doug’s “The Patriot and the Preacher Show” on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0mc7KcxGZ83ZI8ZpSVCtFT

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