VR Ghost Town Mine Ride & Shooting Gallery

2 years ago

Grab your six-shooter and hop aboard the mine cart! Join me as we take a trip on a broken-down ride at an abandoned and supposedly haunted theme park built around an old gold mine. Fantastic wee indie game :)

I had some trouble getting this to work right, which took some time to sort out. Sound wouldn't play and the controllers wouldn't work unless you directly clicked upon the active game app in the task bar -- something you need to remember if you're messing around with OBS. Also -- the hand setting (right or left) seemed to almost randomly decide which hand to put your gun in regardless of how you set it.

Knowing it's a dark game from the introduction, the encoder had a .35 gamma boost included through OBS. The game was much darker for me as I played.

Also, dolls are creepy.

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