Larry Klayman: Biden’s Classified Documents and Decay of Legal System

2 years ago

While the American public is unlikely to ever learn about the contents of the classified documents possessed by Joe Biden, it is likely that they will have to deal with his family’s criminal dealings with the Communist China, Russia, and Ukraine, opined legal analyst Larry Klayman, the founder of influential non-profits Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.

In this interview with The New American, Mr. Klayman dives deep into the dysfunctional world of the legal system in America and describes how the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) practically turned into a gestapo that will bury the Biden’s case. It is likely the whole scandal was set up by the Biden’s handlers to prevent a “brain-dead” president from running in 2024, added the analyst.

Quoting his latest book, It Takes a Counter-Revolution: Wake Up America!", Mr. Klayman called on Americans to wake up to reality that the current government no longer represents the people but is terminally ill and is leading the country to collapse, and stressed that according to the Declaration of Independence, the people have the right to stop recognizing such a government and form a new one.
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