Recent California Weather Was Man-Made

1 year ago

It Was Done Purposely & Now Everyone Prepare For This Next!

California storm clouds were pumped with silver iodide for stronger impacts. You know, to help with the drought.

Article dated 12/28/22 before the planned destruction of people’s lives and property.

Every Cloud Has a Silver-Iodide Lining
Santa Barbara County to Spend $370K on Cloud-Seeding Program to Maximize Rainfall over Next Three Months

Thu Dec 29, 2022
With most of California now entering the fourth year of drought and the state’s major reservoirs
starting to display bathtub rings where water used to be, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors voted to spend $370,000
to dope passing rain clouds with silver iodide to better get every drop of rain possible.

How states across the West are using cloud seeding to make it rain

‘Cloud Seeding’ Aims to Grow Runoff Into Local Reservoirs

Santa Barbara County uses cloud seeding to make it rain
That’s done through a process known as “cloud seeding,” and accomplished under a program overseen by the Santa Barbara County Water Agency.

“Any cloud seeding program is just enhancing rainfall,” Matt Scrudato, a senior hydrologist for the Water Agency, told Noozhawk. “It’s designed to make it rain more.”

Cloud seeding, as it is known, dates back to 1950 in Santa Barbara, but the county’s Water Agency has been involved in the program since 1981.
The money will go to a private contractor —
North American Weather Consultants — which in turn will launch the silver iodide into fertile cloud formations over the next three months either by dropping it out of airplanes or launching flares from ground-based locations.
Of the two methods, the latter is the least risky and simplest to do.

The trick, according to Matt Scrudato of the County Water Agency, is to impregnate clouds already laden with potential rain.
Cloud seeding, he stressed, can’t create rain where it wouldn’t otherwise fall. Instead, he explained,
it increases the amount that manages to drop to the ground.

Last year, cloud seeding took place during nine days during the wet season. In that time, 82 flares carrying 1,312 grams of silver iodide were launched.

The silver iodide, Scrudato said, creates a heavier nucleus around which rain crystals can adhere. With that additional weight,
he said, the likelihood of rain making the descent to the ground — as opposed to hovering in the atmosphere in a semi-vaporous state — increases.

A fast-moving storm soaked Santa Barbara County on Saturday, providing a wet ending to 2022 and setting the stage for a rainy first week of 2023.
Rain began falling on Saturday afternoon and was expected to drop 1 to 2 inches but be done late Saturday night,
according to Mike Wofford with the National Weather Service office in Oxnard.


Santa Barbara County issues advisory message for expected weekend rain storms

Kayakers paddle along flooded streets of Santa Barbara

Storms continue to hit California, forcing evacuations in cities like Santa Barbara

Rain Related Incidents around Santa Barbara County

Montecito and Santa Barbara storm: Evacuations, road closures, shelters

Chemtrails are also known to the Federal Government as aerosol precursors.
Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering) - Wikipedia, the free

Various techniques have been proposed for delivering the aerosol precursor gases (H2S and SO2). ..

Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification: A Policy Statement of the American Meteorological Society as adopted by the Council on 5 January 1992

Inadvertent Weather Modification

Sulfuric Acid from Aviation and Ship Tracks may be higher today than Geoengineering SRM would require in 2020

Prepare the supply and logistics for spraying aerosol precursor in .... Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Global Climate Control

Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation: A Scientific Review

Geo-Engineering Climate Change with Sulfate Aerosols

An overview of geoengineering of climate
using stratospheric sulphate aerosols

By 1970s US gov spending $20M/yr on weather modification research. ...

What would be the impact of injecting precursors of sulfate aerosols into the middle ...
Aerosols - NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

National Oceanic and At...
by EW Team - 2005

There is also strong evidence of aerosol modification of cloud microphysical ....
ozone, aerosols, gas phase chemical precursors and the radiative properties of the ...

Systems that allow for Aerosol, Air Quality, Weather, and Climate Interactions ...
06 Anderson et al.indd - HyARC Cloud & Precipitation Climatology

Aerosols overtake greenhouse gases causing a warmer climate and more weather extremes toward carbon neutrality

Improving our fundamental understanding of the role of aerosol−cloud interactions in the climate system

State of the Science FACT SHEET
Tropospheric Aerosols and Climate

State of the Science FACT SHEET
Aerosols, Weather and Climate

The Risks, Rewards and Possible Ramifications of Geoengineering Earth’s Climate
Injecting aerosols into the stratosphere could help cool the planet, but scientists have yet to study exactly how such solar geoengineering would work

particles and aerosol precursor gases, (c) atmospheric processing which gen- ..... efficacy of intentional weather modification through aerosol impacts on cloud.
Can geo-engineering via aerosols save us? -mit

Could solar geoengineering be the answer to slowing global warming?

Temporal and Spatial Variability
of Clouds and Related Aerosols

Recent progress in cloud physics and associated radiative effects in China from 2016 to 2022

Massachusetts Institute of...
Oct 24, 2007 - precursors (gases). • Where? ... aerosols. • Seeding boundary layer clouds ... injection of more aerosols to reflect same amount of sunlight).

Study: Reflecting sunlight to cool the planet will cause other global changes
Solar geoengineering proposals will weaken extratropical storm tracks in both hemispheres, scientists find

Improving our fundamental understanding of the role of aerosol−cloud interactions in the climate system

Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Cloud-Seeding, Weather Modification

The act of spraying aerosols into the atmosphere in an attempt to modify ...

including cloud-seeding which China use to increase precipitation (rain and ... Paul Crutzen also proposed that direct delivery of precursors can be ...


Geo-Engineering Climate Change with Sulfate Aerosols

Cloud seeding efforts started in 30s and 40s; Modern concept goes back at least
What would be the impact of injecting precursors of sulfate aerosols into the
References - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Aerosols in the atmosphere: Sources, transport,
and multi-decadal trends

Aerosols, Cloud Microphysics, and Fractional Cloudiness

Scientists advance cloud-seeding capabilities with nanotechnology
A decades old idea, with today’s innovation, might be the answer to help drought-stricken countries and to fight climate change.

A Combined Mitigation/Geoengineering Approach to Climate Stabilization
T. M. L. Wigley

A combined mitigation/geoengineering approach to climate stabilization

Who cares about climate change?
Rapid Response:
Solar geoengineering by injecting aluminum oxide aerosol into the lower stratosphere is a serious threat to global mental health

Volcanic eruptions provide ideal experiments that can be used to assess the effects of
large anthropogenic emissions of SO 2 on stratospheric aerosols and climate. ...

Climate change modulates the stratospheric volcanic sulfate aerosol lifecycle and radiative forcing from tropical eruptions

cloud seeding aerosol precursors

weather modification aerosol precursors

geoengineering aerosol precursors

weather modification aerosol precursors in a chemical transport model

cloud seeding aerosol precursors in a chemical transport model

cloud seeding aerosol precursors in a chemical transport model

geoengineering aerosol precursors in a chemical transport model

"Manufactured “designer” particles of 100 nm or less (“nanoparticles”) have
emerged recently as a potentially more benign alternative to sulfate aerosols."

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy & Environmental Lab
"Synthesis of Nanoparticles Dr. Chen’s team developed a compact and low-cost atmospheric dc mini-arc plasma reactor to produce aerosol nanoparticles through direct vaporization of solid precursors followed by a rapid quenching.
His research focuses on understanding and control of the nanoparticle production process for tailored nanoparticle properties."

Green Nanotechnology: Plant-Mediated Nanoparticle Synthesis and Application

Recent advances in green synthesized nanoparticles: from production to application

[BOOK] Aerosols handbook: measurement, dosimetry, and health effects During this period, nanotechnology industries have grown rapidly with federal and state initia- tives,

Global Health and Climate Effects of Organic Aerosols from Different Sources

Emerging Issues in Nanoparticle Aerosol Science and Technology

... is critical to the advancement of the underlying science and development practical
nanotechnologies. ... and particle structure are, thus, enabling technologies for the advancement
of nanotechnology. ... For this purpose, 'aerosol' (gas-to-particle) chemical reactors will be attrac- ...

Nanoparticles in the atmosphere

Nanoethics. The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology. Edited by Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin, James Moor and John Weckert.

.Moor J, Weckert J (eds) (2007)Nanoethics:

The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology .

Spectral absorption properties of atmospheric aerosols

Buseck PR, Pósfai M (1999) Airborne minerals and related aerosol particles: Effects

Nanotechnology Geoengineering. An Upstream Technology Assessment of Two Converging Technologies. A Plan B Paper. In Partial ...
Nanotechnology Now - Nanotechnology and Geoengineering

In Partial Fulfillment of the Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Environmental
Policy Degree Requirements
The Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
The University of Minnesota

Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
Sep 25, 2008 - Earlier this month, I was invited to make a presentation to a group of faculty and students in San Sebastian, Spain, about the effects of ...
Responsible Nanotechnology: Geoengineering Reconsidered

May 23, 2007 - Geoengineering Reconsidered. We all know that the Earth's climate is heating up: Now that most scientists agree human activity is causing ...
Responsible Nanotechnology: Our Geoengineering Future

more than do-gooder actions. It demands 'geoengineering' -- like blocking the sun's rays with stratospheric dirt."

The sun blotted out from the sky

CIA co-sponsoring geoengineering study to look at reversing global warming options July 22 2013, by Bob Yirka The CIA headquarters lobby is pictured in Langley, Virginia, in 2008.

Effects of sea spray geoengineering on global climate -

Why new proposals to restrict geoengineering are misguided

Can geoengineering fix the climate? Hundreds of scientists say not so fast
The Biden administration is developing a controversial solar geoengineering research plan to the dismay of many experts

original link found on JW Tv

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