Мама не зна де татусь гуляв (TIKTOK REMIX) | Jerry Heil - UNHOLY UKRAINIAN [EDM God] short #shorts

2 years ago

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In this remix, liberty takes on Jerry Heil's infamous track "Mama Doesn't Know Where the Sadness Goes". This club-ready remix won't disappoint, with its heavy EDM drops and catchy melody. So put on your dancing shoes and join in the fun - Mama doesn't know where the sadness goes!

In this remix, Jerry Heil takes on Unholy Ukrainian, a hardcore track with a sick bassline. Liberty delivers an intense remix that will get your blood pumping!

If you're into EDM, then you need to check out this remix of Jerry Heil's Unholy Ukrainian. This track is filled with intense basslines and sick beats that will get your body moving!

Genre: #shorts #freemusic #EDM God shorts #unholy

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minecraft shorts,youtube shorts video,shorts,EDM God,Мама не зна де татусь гуляв,minecraft tiktok,Jerry Heil - UNHOLY UKRAINIAN,Jerry Heil,jerry heil купала,jerry heil мрія,youtube shorts,tik tok,youtube shorts monetization,free to copyright,copyright free music,non copyrighted music,club remix

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