Global Cataclysms Come in Regular Cycles

2 years ago

Geologist, Douglas Vogt lays out the scientific evidence that major global disasters such as devastating solar outbursts and cosmic impacts have been coming and going like clockwork about every 13,000 years, which not only correlates with every bit of knowledge that's been handed down to us from our ancestors who were obviously preoccupied with recording and monitoring the Great Year Precessional cycle, but also with physical evidence that we can see in the geological record.
Why do global cataclysms occur about every 13,000 years? Well, it turns out that just like 80% of all other solar systems in the cosmos [that we have analyzed], our Sun is part of a binary system. Our Sun is caught in sort of an orbital dance with another star. Because of the orbital dynamics between our star/solar system with this companion star, we on Earth experience climate and volcanic cataclysms about every 12,960 years, which is to say every half way point of the Great Year, at the point at which the two stars exert the most influence upon each other.
In 1972, NASA launched two long range probes called Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. Each was launched into deep space, with each probe being sent in opposite directions. When the two probes finally left our solar system, Pioneer 11 apparently found nothing of interest. However, what Pioneer 10 found was a planet about 4.7 billion miles out (from Earth) which is at least four to eight times larger than the Earth, and then it found a dead star with equal gravitational influence of our Sun at about 50 billion miles out.
Once NASA discovered this, they went "dark" with the information, but not before the information was published in the 1987 edition of the New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia Volume 18 (page 2488).
What does all this mean? Well, for starters, it explains why many of the outer planets like Uranus and Neptune are tilting extremely with respect to their rotational axis, and why even Earth itself has a weird wobble in it's rotation that we call "Precession." It would also explain many other such anomalies within our solar system, which we now know are being cause by the extra-solar gravitational influence of this tenth planet (in 1987, Pluto was still a planet) and this "dead star."
When our Sun and this other star come closest to each other, the other star begins to affect our Sun, causing massive solar outbursts which cause extinction-level cataclysms here on Earth that are cause by the fires which are caused by these outbursts. The dynamics of this cosmic dance our two stars are engaged in also causes comets and asteroids to be hurled into the inner solar system from the Kuiper Belt, some of which have struck the Earth causing their own type of damage to our planet. Not only that, the influence this other star has on the sun causes our planet's core and mantle to become more active, which causes widespread volcanic eruptions and sometimes complete pole shifts. At a minimum, it cause our planet's magnetic pole to change position--something we can see is happening right now.
Now you know why the world's elite are building underground bunkers, and why the U.S. political class has been building Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) all over the country for the past four decades. They plan to escape the coming catastrophe, while the rest of us will be left to fend for ourselves. However, few people have any understanding of what's coming. They are too caught up in the Climate Change and "pandemic" propaganda, which the ruling class is just using to grab more and more power for themselves, while keeping the general population corralled politically.
According to many calculations, we are approaching the beginning of one of these Glock Cycles sometime between 2030 and 2047. How do we know this? Because you can tell by looking at a lot of different things, but most notably, at the Earth's magnetosphere, which is weakening.
For the past few decades, the magnetic pole positions have been constantly changing in a way that they never have in the past, dancing all over the map. In fact, scientists have been tracking these changes, and the data seems to suggest that we are on the verge of another pole shift.
The Great Year

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