Jan 3, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... Victory over Trials, Temptations, Weaknesses and spiritual Muscles

2 years ago

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Victory over Trials, Temptations, Weaknesses & Spiritual Muscles

January 3, 2016 – Words from Jesus and Sister Clare

(Clare) The blessing of our precious Jesus be with us all, Heartdwellers. Lord, I pray that You would encourage and strengthen every soul who hears this message. Oh, Jesus, You are faithful and never will you give us more than we can handle with Your living presence inside of us.

As you are well aware dear Heartdwellers… Whenever the Holy Spirit reveals a hole in the Binding Prayer, I am quick to make revisions. And there is one thing I have wanted to bring to your attention because the Lord continues to stress it every time I use the Binding Prayer.

Just as an animal that has been isolated from every bacteria never acquires a strong immune system, so it is with us. If the Lord were to remove all our trials and attacks of the evil ones, we would become spiritual marshmallows and couch potatoes. But praise be to God, He is continually exercising us in warfare and making us strong against all adversaries.

As I was speaking these words, I had a vision of a soldier, a big Roman soldier with muscles bulging out of his arms and his legs. Not only was he skilled with the sword, but he was very strong, very powerful. And this is what I believe the Lord is doing when He allows these trials. One of the things I’d like to mention here, is that when we are under attack – the demons are just having a hey-day with us. But we can offer all the sufferings of that attack and those inconveniences for the salvation of souls who are on the brink of hell, who are just about ready to fall into the Abyss.

And by doing that, we’ll greatly frustrate the demons, because they’ll reason… ‘Well, the more I torment her, the more she offers up to God for the salvation of souls. And the less I torment her, the more trouble I get into because I’m not doing my job.’ So, it really does throw them into confusion.

Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. (Psalm 108:12-13)

What exactly is the Lord doing? I have learned from two decades of experience that the blood of the martyrs truly is the seed of the church, both in an obvious way like the beheadings in Syria and in a less obvious way, the death of a dear pet, and even prolonged illness that will not yield to prayer.

I have recognized that the things happening in each of these events are a fast offering of what is dear to us – for the spreading of the Kingdom of God, a strengthening in endurance and resolve to accept whatever the Lord allows in our lives, learning detachment, that in the final analysis the only thing we cannot live without is Him. And finally the Lord does allow some things as part of a discipline necessary for our sanctification.

By the way I have been nudged more than three times to tell you about the book Abandonment to Divine Providence written by Jean Pierre de Caussade, it gives us a profound look into the thinking and workings of God during trials. It is a spiritual classic much like The Imitation of Christ. And it has helped me like no other book to accept with docility the ways of God in my life and to abandon the purse of my own opinion, leaning on the Lord’s wisdom over my shallow human reasoning. It’s a very good book.

But getting back to discipline as one of the elements in trials… ‘The Lord disciplines those He loves, and He scourges every son whom He receives.’ (Hebrews 12:6) Paul certainly knew all about those scourges and permitted sufferings. He suffered SO much.

So, my point here is that while I would love to write a prayer to cover every eventuality, every demon, every situation, it simply is not possible. Were we to stop having attacks we would become even greater spiritual weaklings. So, while we can pray against them, eventually we must accept Divine Providence when the Lord permits them in spite of our vigilance and prayers. He is building up our spiritual muscles. Detachment from earthly pleasures, including the approval of loved ones, and physical sufferings, thorns in our flesh.

And going one step further, many Heartdwellers on our channel have complained that no matter how hard they try, they can’t rid themselves of smoking, or giving in to sexual temptation, or avarice, or any other fault that plagues us, much like a thorn in the flesh.

And here Paul explains to us by way of his example, exactly what is going on… ‘Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me – to keep me from exalting myself!’ Wow… What an insight!

As it is written in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9… Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He has said… “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Lord, what do You have for us?

(Jesus) “Through and during all of these temptations My Dear Ones, I am there, holding your hand, advising you, right there standing beside you until you choose to sin… then I must painfully turn my gaze away. Oh, how grievous sin is to Me. And yet though I allow you to stumble and fall, and withhold from You the sustaining grace to overcome yourself, if it were not absolutely necessary for your higher good in the end, I would not permit it.

“The solution is always for you to rush to Me, fall on your knees and beg for the graces to overcome trials and keep from offending Me. When your motive becomes ‘not to offend Me’ you are on the highway of holiness. The only other remaining thing left for you to do is humble yourself below all others, see their virtues compared to your failures and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the littlest, weakest and most easily compromised soul you have ever met. Staying in this station keeps you very close to rock bottom, totally dependent on ME…and you are far less likely to sin.

“Always beware of the times of victory or completion of a task. This is when you are most vulnerable and likely to let down your guard. Your enemy waits for these times and coaxes you to take your ‘virtue’ for granted…secretly thinking you are above falling like others. That is the most dangerous time of your life so far. When you have conquered steep mountains, over and over again, Satan lies in wait for that next mountain when you will relax your guard and soar on your laurels.

“These are the times when humility has been abandoned and they are also times when it is needed the most. Always rekindle your awareness that you are positively zero in virtue without My grace. Leaning on Me in this way will sustain you when those lying in wait finally pounce with a HUGE temptation and reams of excuses as to why you should do it. And if you should be fortunate enough to have many, many victories due to My Grace, the enemy will invariably lead you into a trap with great delicacy and forethought. At that point if you have not been on guard, it is almost too late. Always, look way ahead at the potential consequences before you step forward.

“Not only is the adversary a roaring lion lying in wait, he is a clever hunter knowing just where to set the snares and exactly what kind of bait to use. He also watches for a string of events that make you more than usually vulnerable to his suggestions. During times of loss and trial you become weakened and seeking consolation. This, too, is a time of great vulnerability. Although at those times you are still safer than after a major victory, because then you are feeling defeated. When you are feeling defeated you are on guard.

“I have given you these instructions, My ravishing Brides, because you are so close to the time of your nuptials and I want you to maintain your integrity to that final moment. Know that your greatest enemy is your self will and your greatest protection is humility, which always leans towards obedience.

“Now that you know these things, happy will you be if you do them. My Love is forever with you, dear ones.”

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