19Jan23 Saudis: PetroDollar Dead. Gold Soars. Ukraine Pushes CBDC

2 years ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

The petrodollar is going to disappear — US will be just one of many says Saudi foreign minister as Saudis make move to China 2:05

The dollar has touched a seven month low, gold up 13:45

Ukraine announces it will do everything UN/Davos want — moving to CBDC and complete digital transformation for centralized totalitarian society 20:20

WATCH: Money is what Kerry wants — for "climate" — repeats the word 7 times in case you don't get it 27:22

Money is what the Military Industrial Complex wants also — as Biden depletes our weapons like he did the SPR (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) 30:08

The Ukrainian official who publicly stated the plan in 2019 for Ukraine to go to war in 2022 against Russia, be totally destroyed to join NATO. Has now been fired for telling the truth again 36:01

USA Today tries to establish speech rules about words such as Aloha or Shalom because many don't "understand the deeper meaning" 46:11

Geraldo clearly doesn't "understand the deeper meaning" of firearms or Constitution — or even what AR-15 represents. (He thinks AR means Automatic Rifle) 54:40

A taste of CBDC — Wells Fargo shuts down bank account of gun store owner just before Christmas. 57:07

Illinois hit with wave of lawsuits over new gun bans. 1:02:31

Seven States to Introduce Wealth Tax Legislation This Week — taxing investments on the current market price, i.e. UNREALIZED capital gains as if it had been sold 1:06:34

EV's — Hummer takes FIVE DAYS to charge at home, resolution to ban EV in 2035, and Tesla's self-driving is piling up cars and lawsuits 1:12:11

Scotland has a plan to force everyone into tiny villages (like The Prisoner's Village) and removing private cars 1:32:30

George Santos — now revealed to have been a Brazilian drag queen, a con-man who robbed a homeless vet of money to treat his dying dog 1:47:20

INTERVIEW: Susan Swift, Vice President of Legal Affairs, RightToLifeLeague.org What is the problem with the abortion pill? 1:59:23

Most abortions are pre-term abortions with these drugs. 2:07:24

The FDA has removed all of the restrictions that were put in place to protect women’s health. 2:10:50

What’s wrong with adoption? Why do we have to kill babies? 2:19:12

Cultural Marxism and the attack on motherhood. 2:22:27

Pro-bort mob is characterizing pro-life clinics and homes as “pro-life”. 2:31:10

Many states already have laws on the books to protect women from these dangerous pills, taken without physician oversight 2:42:07

History of the Right to Life League do? 2:47:18

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