mSpy App Review by mSpy Customer

2 years ago

mSpy is a mobile monitoring application that can be installed on your child's phone and allows you to monitor their phone calls, social media activity, instant messages, location and many other things.

Once the app is installed on the phone, it runs in the background and is completely hidden. The app then monitors the kid's phone activity and sends reports to your online mSpy account which you can access from any device.

Features of mSpy

mSpy GPS Feature By installing mSpy on your child's phone, you can see exactly what he is doing and who he is talking to on social media and on his smartphone. You can also track their phone location.
Below is the list of features available in the mSpy Premium plan:

1. GPS Tracking: mSpy not only records the GPS location of your child's phone, but uploads it so you can see the exact location of your child throughout the day. You can see its location directly on the map.
2. Read text messages: Read the text message they sent and receive - even if they are deleted from the phone.
3. View call history: Find out who they are calling and who is calling them. Get details like phone number, contact name, and the date, time and duration of the call.

4. Read IM: Monitor their IM conversations like WhatsApp and Skype and social networking sites like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. This feature, however, is only available on jailbroken Android devices and jailbroken iOS devices.
5. Keylogger: Record all the keystrokes of users while using their Android phone. This feature is only available for Android OS version 4.0 and above.

6. Read Email: Read all incoming and outgoing emails. You can also read emails sent from Gmail and other email clients.
7. View photos and videos: View all photos and videos stored on your child's phone.

8. Monitor Internet Activity: Find out the websites they visit, their search history, and the web pages they view.

9. Find contacts in the calendar: Search your child's contacts to see who they are talking to. View all calendar events on their phone.

10. Keyword Alerts: You can create a list of target words such as "drugs", "sex" and "guns" with this alert feature. You will receive an email notification when any of these words are used in text, chat, email, etc.

11. Applications on the website: You can show all applications that have applied to your child and can prevent applications and websites.

12. Blocking incoming calls: To block incoming calls from a specific number, log into your mSpy account and click "Management Tools" to enter the number that you want to block.

13. Unlimited Device Switching: You can install the mSpy app on one device at a time, but you can switch the target device as often as you want without buying new licenses.

14.-Invisible status: The best part of the mSpy application is that it is completely invisible which means that your child will not know that they are being monitored.

Learn more or buy mSpy here:

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