Bill Gates Screws Steve Jobs -Portrayal -Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

1 year ago

Gates cons Jobs into handing over the Macintosh prototype.


The Pirates of Silicon Valley is a somewhat forgotten movie that gives
a good insight into the minds of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
It is a 1999 biographical drama directed by Martyn Burke and stars
Noah Wyle as Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates.
It documents the years 1971–1997 and highlights the cut-throat
beginnings of the computer revolution. It is widely heralded for
it's overall accuracy by those that followed the revolution as
it unfolded. The film premiered on TNT on June 20, 1999 and
is well worth the watch.

Here are a few other clips from the movie:
Steve Jobs -Blue Boxes and the Birth of Apple Computer
Bill Gates Pitches a Big Nothing to IBM
Bill Gates Screws Steve Jobs -Again
Jobs Catches Bill Gates Red Handed

A few Excerpts from the Wiki:
Martyn Burke notes:

I did not want to do an "authorized biography" on either Microsoft or Apple,
so we made the decision going in that we would not talk or meet with them.
With a team of Harvard researchers, I embarked on a seven-month research
project that encompassed virtually everything we could find on the history
of both companies, including old technical magazines from the '70s. I intended
every scene to be based on actual events, including such seemingly fantastic
moments as Bill Gates's bulldozer races in the middle of the night and Steve
Jobs's bare feet going up on the board room table during an applicant's job
interview. I have two or more sources that verify each scene.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Steve Wozniak all responded to the film. Jobs's
only public response occurred at the 1999 Macworld Expo.
Jobs avoided meeting the director Martyn Burke, who later said that "Steve
wanted nothing to do with me." In a 2013 Ask Me Anything session with Reddit,
Gates responded to a question about his portrayal in the film by stating that
it was "reasonably accurate".
Wozniak had a positive response to the film and discussed it in detail with
fans on his official website. Wozniak said that many aspects of the film were
accurate, stating that "when the movie opened with [a scene of] tear gas and
riots ... I thought, 'My God! That's just how it was.'"
In May 2015, Wozniak once again commented on the film, stating that Pirates
of Silicon Valley is an example of a good Hollywood dramatization of himself,
Steve Jobs, and the story of Apple Inc. He described Pirates of Silicon Valley
as "intriguing, interesting. I loved watching it .. every one of those
incidences[spelling?] occurred and it occurred with the meaning that was
shown" in the film.
A college friend of Jobs and early Apple employee Daniel Kottke also liked the
film. He noted in an interview that it was "a great movie. Noah Wyle was just
uncannily close to Jobs. Just unbelievable. I found myself thinking it was
actually Steve on the screen." He also states that in the film there were "all
these scenes of the garage where it's like half a dozen people working, busily
carrying things back and forth, and oscilloscopes" when he [Kottke] "was really
the only person who worked in the garage. Woz would show up once a week with his
latest to test it out, and Steve Jobs was on the phone a lot in the kitchen."
Two individuals have responded to the film's interpretation of the 1979 visit
of Jobs and his team to the Xerox PARC research center, which influenced the
development of both the Lisa and Macintosh computers. PARC's director, John
Seely Brown stated in a 2006 interview that the scene in which Gates and Jobs
argue about the role of Xerox is not entirely accurate. He said that Jobs was
invited by PARC to view their technology in exchange for the ability to buy
pre-IPO Apple stock. Wozniak said, "Apple worked with Xerox openly to bring
their developments to a mass audience. That's what Steve portrayed Apple as
being good at. Xerox got a lot of Apple stock for it too, it was an agreement.
Microsoft just took it from Xerox or Apple or whomever. It took them a long
time to get it halfway right."

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