12/18/22 4th Advent - Do We Face an Existential Crisis with Persevering Faith? - Deacon Bob Pladek

1 year ago

Peace to everyone,
Have you ever faced an existential crisis? I’ll never forget the time I was scuba diving 30 feet below the ocean surface, when my air regulator valve failed, causing my lungs to fill with salt water.
My heart rate exploded as my throat and lungs burned from the salt water. I reactively exhaled to force out as much salt water as possible.
My very short prayer captured the moment, “Jesus, if this regulator fails one more time, I’ll be coming home today.”
With that, my faith enabled me to take in one more breath as my lungs filled with fresh air. Alleluia! Thank God for faith!
Today’s message contains even more compelling examples of men and women who faced their own existential crisis, yet were blessed by persevering faith.
May your Christmas bring you joy, peace, and persevering faith, to know our Savior has arrived in history, remains with us in the Eucharist, and will one-day return in all His glory.

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