4 scripts and my Old Guard understanding.

2 years ago

Don't fear the reaper, when we are ready it will fear us.
So much pain and confusion, fear and inhumanity since the lockdowns and the last snooze story is why I made this CrappoCrappo Production vlog today.

I was reminded of my dear sister, Ylonda, who did in similar circumstances. Not neglect physically but in their hearts and minds she was just..a problem.
I did more than most but in the end it was not enough as I lived here, in Scotland, and my sis lived in Grimsby Town, N.E.Lincolnshire.
Y'see, I have many regrets but the truth is, we all choose our path and ultimately it is we who decide if we live or give-up and die.
Most people, by complying, have accepted their fate now, it is becoming obvious...SADS.

I cannot be arsed some days so I watch and sigh, today I saw and my soul cried.
I know I go on but I cannot be silent. Even if my work is armature and shite.
Truth costs nothing, understanding. Well that costs time, life, to experience and learn of and from it so stop following as soon you will all have to lead someone or yourselves.
I tried since 9/11 the influencer thing but only found the never ending cycle of, 'who said what, said where, said how?' and now I speak 100% freely, if easily offended....please feel free to offityfuckety.

The rest of you not-so-crazy buggers, welcome to my world, your help is appreciated. Let's face it, I bloody-well need it!

Much L❤ve


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