
2 years ago

Every research project should be compared with controls. In this instance we chose Normal Saline, Atropine and Domitor. Each of these three drugs are given to people and expected to enter their blood stream. In each instance you can see movement of the blood with the addition of these drugs; however, these three drugs expected to enter the human blood stream do NOT cause desaturation (loss of oxygen) from the erythrocytes (red blood cells) and do not cause clotting.

All blood in this study was drawn directly from subjects without the addition of venipuncture tube chemicals that could alter what is seen under the microscope.

We did not "stain" the blood with Wright stain or other substances that could alter the red and white blood cells. The controls and the studies to follow this video clearly show vibrant red blood cells without the need for artificial "staining" of the blood AND without the risk of introducing some interaction that could confound the results.

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