Bryan Bowden sits down to talk re; Spirituality, Psychic gifts, Remote viewing, UFOs, & so much more

2 years ago

Bryan Bowden is a Paranormal Researcher, had shows on the Travel Chnl., is a Director, Actor, Writer, Poet, Song writer, Remote Viewer, Healer, & all around Great Soul! I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to sit down & pick his brain! lol Looking forward to more in dept conversations like this one in our future! You can google him And find him on Facebook.

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Do Yourself a Favor! Empower yourself! I AM the Beacon that can guide you to this! I hold the Keys to your Kindgdom, I am waiting to hand them over to YOU! Via 13 simplified yet very effective courses , each approx 45 min long and Only $22.22 per class. From the Very 1st class you Will feel healthier, stronger in your mind body And soul , and will understand further the importance of digging deeper down the rabbit hole of WHO WE ARE! As you go you will learn remote viewing , activating Kundalini as well as the 144 Fire Letters and 12 strand DNA Divine blueprint that you were created with but "society" has kept you from connecting to and utilizing. WE are who we've been waiting for! Join NOW & become the Best version of You possible to manifest the life you Truly desire AND deserve! Take OFF the shackles!

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