What Is Cold Hardiness & Dormancy In Plants? | A Horticulturist Explains

2 years ago

Joining us today to discuss dormancy and cold hardiness in plants is Al Pacheco Kovaleski, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since connecting with the UW–Madison faculty in March 2021, Al has enjoyed applying his research in plant cold hardiness to the freezing Wisconsin winters…

Al grew up in one of the coldest parts of Brazil, which encouraged his interest in horticulture in cold environments from a young age. Since then, he has focused his research on how plants control their cold hardiness and dormancy during the winter, and how that leads to bud break and flowering in the spring – all from a physiological and molecular level. 

Join us now to hear Al discuss: 

1) What happens to plants during the winter. 
2) Why some plants are not able to survive cold environments.
3) How climate change is altering which plants are able to thrive in certain geographical areas.
4) What can lead plants to gain and/or lose cold hardiness.

To learn more about Al and his research, click here now! 👇

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3bO8R6q

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