I converted to Islam

1 year ago

I've converted to Sunni Islam and I wanted to share my history of religions with you. I haven't had much experience with religion outside of Christianity, so I will be honest in that I've yet to learn so much about Islam. At the moment, I've read up to Surah 6 of the Qur'an, but my ambitions of becoming a polyglot hafiz and travelling to different mosques across the world (in what may become a documentary series on YouTube, if the countries are safe) gives me the motivation to continue on this journey. I hope for you to become hafizes and polyglots as well.

Languages I hope to speak by the time I'm a hafiz in English:
- English (native language)
- Arabic
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Swahili
- Maybe some other African languages

These languages will help me to engage with other Muslims across the world once I have realised my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur by giving back to others and following the word of Allah SWT. Glory to Allah.

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