Aussie Cruelly Terminated After 40+ Years of Faithful Service

2 years ago

Matthew was terminated, in a disgraceful fashion, by the Christian school where he had faithfully worked for more than forty years. His transgression? Matthew declined to participate in the experimental injection schedule unconscionably mandated by the Queensland government.

As the building foreman in the school, Matthew felt a connection to every square inch of the school. His blood, sweat, and tears had gone into every road, building and garden over the course of four decades.

Matthew didn't ask anything unreasonable of his employer. He simply wanted to use the several months worth of annual leave, long service leave, and sick leave he had accrued over 40 years while he explored every avenue to avoid being injected against his will. Matthew thought he may be able to ride out the cruel mandates imposed by a rogue government. He was right. Had Matthew's employer agreed to his request, he would still be employed today. Just five weeks after his termination, the Queensland government announced the removal of mandates for education workers.

Matthew's employer terminated him with a phone call, refusing to speak with him face-to-face (either in person or by Zoom meeting). Far from a Christian approach, the school acted with corporate-style indifference and, by terminating Matthew, it seems they saved themselves a lot of money in unpaid sick leave and superannuation that Matthew would normally have received at or prior to retirement. Matthew always thought he would retire at the school into which he had poured forty years of his life.

While Matthew and his wife, Margaret, may have lost out financially through their stand, their conscience is intact and they have honoured the legacy and memory of Matthew's father who survived a POW camp in Changi while fighting in WWII for the freedom of all Australians.

The way forward for Matthew's former employer, and for complicit leaders in every sector across the nation, is repentance, restitution, compensation, investigation, and justice.

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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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