dog people make excuses for bad dogs *GET A ST. BERNARD

2 years ago

...and another one
wait it out just a little longer
rudy can't fail and neither can ag
the clouds look amazing today
you do the same shit every day
it made sense at the time...good n bad
the last car is gone (RIP fiona)
took five seconds for me to get annoyed
that was arlo who tore that avocado to shreds
that avocado seed is very intimidating
so many bumps in the road
using the internet right us rare
i shouldn't care this much
i wish everybody had latent inhibition
tell me more: my response to criticism
"disease" according to clinicians
if you listen to the demons you will end up in a mental institution
the devil loves to play
those not of God will gossip, slander, attempt to control others
FUCK YOU smartie pants
you don't even know what i'm talking about in relation to this camera crew
insults are just the best
i doubt that they even watched the video hahahaha
my response to insults: thanks, man
getting offended is what pussies do
if you watch this channel mazel tov
take a shot for me since i don't drink anymore
i switch lanes cos i have self-awareness
self awareness transfusion
criticism is too painful to not filter
a lotta dog attacks as of late
pitbull, short for bully
a liberal that just happens to have self-awareness
that family dog just might attack you in a couple years
it's in their DNA to be viciously aggressive
fuck chihuahuas
we like all dogs even if they're stupid/violent/annoying/whatever
i wanna chew somebody's face off and claim that somebody just provoked me
my theories usually are correct
these things are mandated somewhat
if you so much as question vs of any kind you get censored and mocked
no scientist has ever had ill intentions
edward jenner is a god to these people
free mason and pioneer of general v
animals are supposed to work w/ us and for us, not against us
hope n pray you don't get attacked by any dog but esp a pit
"news" stories
"they just didn't get their rabies shot"
only those w/ full blown schizophrenia would know what's really going on
your kids should always come first
those around you will be negatively impacted by yer wrecklessness
those shots are shedding not just on humans but animals
*the rabies shot is giving the dogs rabies, and rabies makes dogs very aggressive (pits are already that way so...)
injections of disease to raise immunity? it makes no sense
why people commit suicide on SSRIs
you're goin against nature
those that are not good or real will make excuses for sick pieces a shit
walking cups of pudding amongst us
banana pudding is off the chain tho
apparently there's a banana pudding festival
we don't have to be in the lines ANYWAY
a great song w/ an even greater msg
don't chu know it is wrong to cheat a tryin man
and another copyright claim
punk is a lot like stand up comedy hence piano punk
such a fun song about shitheads
mom & pop shops and then actual mom and actual pop
i need so much mercy
a bad thought is a lot like kudzoo
my deer, once again, say hi n bye
ronnit has the other deer so we have a play date
i can only assume that those obsessed w/ zionism are jesuits

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