1 year ago

This 3 hour video will take you on a SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA and DNA Healing journey. You will be showered with high vibration healing frequencies and visual stimulation.

The visual stimuli included on this video are supplementary to your journey, you are not required to watch the visuals to receive a healing. Every soul has a different journey which can experience healing in different ways. Be kind with yourself, allow yourself to receive what you need from this meditative experience.

For best healing journey, follow these steps.

1. Setup a space where you can get comfortable, either sitting upright or laying down. Consider closing your blinds, drawing the shades, and keeping the room low-light or pitch black. Riders preference, but preparing your space with intention helps to facilitate your experience. Also consider burning Sage, Palo Santo, incense, Hemp, or Nag Champa. For increased effect, try fasting and using this video during your fast. You are not required to listen to the entire 3 hour video for healing, you can use as much or as little as you want. You can replay this video all day if you want in the background of your office, home, car, etc. Because of the positive effects from this frequency, we recommend using this video often, and even leaving it on repeat all day and night. Yes, we're working on a longer version of this video for a future release date.

2. For added comfort, cover yourself in a blanket. Keep your hands at your side. Have water available for after the session.

3. Begin to play video with your headphones on. Put phone behind you, away from your head.

4. Listen to video. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Hold briefly. Then again breathe in through the nose slowly over the count of five, four, three, two, one. Hold your breath, then exhale for five, four, three, two, one. Following that breath sequence, increase your count to six, five, four, three, two, one. Hold, then exhale for six, five, four, three, two, one.

Continue your count in this sequence increasing in count to your comfort level. Eventually your breathing pattern will slow and strengthen as you perform this breathing exercise up to thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven. The goal is to eventually have the ability to breathe very slowly, with long drawn out breaths, in a calm and controlled breathing pattern.

5. Prior to meditating with the video, set an intention for Healing your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA. The Solar Plexus Chakra deals with confidence, self-esteem, and personal power. Blockages in the Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest as insecurity, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and lack of energy. Your intention may sound something like, “in this meditation, i wish to heal my solar plexus chakra to be free flowing, vibrant, and healthy.” Simple as that. With every breath, visualize your body breathing in positive radiant healing energy. For example, imagine a giant golden waterfall pouring over you on your own personal island. The radiant golden energy pours over your entire body, healing every inch of your hair and skin, and is powerful enough to upgrade and heal your DNA sequences within your blood, tissues, cells, organs, telomeres, etc. This is not just any golden waterfall; these golden rays of healing energy come straight from Heaven, powerful enough to raise your vibration and heal your self confidence, and your entire body’s DNA structures.

6. When the video has finished. Return to your normal breathing pattern. We recommend you journal your experience. Always finish your meditation by saying a prayer of gratitude for your experience. Hydrate. Drink lots of water. Carry on with your day.

7. Be well. Take note of any changes you may notice in the coming days and weeks.

8. If you loved this experience, please write us at or leave a comment below.

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