Forecast Jan 23-Feb 5, 2023: Ice Breakers

2 years ago

February 1st marks the midway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. In some climates, the very first seeds of the new year will be planted. Across the northern hemisphere, the return of sunlight is appreciable. The festivals of Imbolc and St. Brigid, held at this time, have long included the element of fire, to signify the return of warmth and light. In 2023, the full Moon, in the fire sign of Leo, will take place on February 5th. As it waxes, we'll encounter several encouraging alignments and Venus will enter Pisces. On January 20th the Sun moved into Aquarius, followed immediately by a new Aquarius Moon on the 21st. Aquarius is one of the signs with positive polarity, giving it an outgoing orientation. On Tuesday the 24th, that budding Aquarius Sun will sextile Jupiter in Aries, and on Sunday the 29th, it will trine Mars in Gemini.

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