MAXOAK Generator Portable Power Station 200Wh Lithium Emergency Battery Backup Pure Sinewave 11...

2 years ago
5 - MAXOAK Generator Portable Power Station 200Wh Lithium Emergency Battery Backup Pure Sinewave 110V AC Outlet Solar Generato...

I have been using this power bank for a week and find that it is even better than expected. It took 7 hours to bring it to a full charge. While it was charging I found that I could also use it to power devices like my cell phone.
After it was charged I used it to charge a laptop, drone, Nitecore headlamp, cell phone, and Anker battery. There was plenty of juice left over.
I am pretty sure I could charge all of these devices two or three more times.Our family does a lot of camping and we are... #portablepowerstation #solargenerator #powerstation

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