Tradition over Triumph. (1 Corinthians 14:26-32)

2 years ago

This video might seem to pick a few fights. If there is a fight it is with the way of thinking and it's not even a "fight" it's honest questions. The hypocrite one, yeah that I stand by 100%. Consistency. If we don't have it, then how are we bearing an image of The Consistent GOD? And I'm not saying I have this figured out in any way shape or form, I know what I have seen and experienced and I have hopeful and open questions about the rest, if nothing else than to find common ground so we can talk to each other. If dead, speak life. If alive, speak hope, faith, and love. Love is truthful. Faith sees reality. Hope never goes out. What we are called to speak, all of it, it's there and HE will put HIS words on our lips, if we let HIM by submitting to HIM. As we will start off with tomorrow, GOD giving direction, "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God's holy people." Ordered. By HIS steps.

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