DON'T MISS OUT: Employee Retention Credit Can Save Your Business 🚨

2 years ago

💰 Apply for up to $26,000 per employee with the Employee Retention Program (ERC):

The pandemic has hit small businesses hard, but did you know that your business could be eligible for thousands of dollars in federal relief funds through the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) program? NextGen Capital was one of the first companies formed to help businesses claim these funds. Our expertise in working solely with the ERC and advanced technology ensures industry-leading speed and accuracy for this complex program.

In this video, we'll show you how the CARES Act created the ERC as a measure to preserve small businesses. We'll also explain how even if your business received PPP, you could still be eligible for the ERC, which can provide up to $26,000 per employee. Our ERC partners and team at NextGen Capital will guide you through the process of filing for the ERC, just like we have helped small businesses receive hundreds of millions of dollars in relief funds. We'll also provide a complimentary eligibility review at no upfront cost and no obligation.

At NextGen Capital, we pride ourselves on being the most meticulous and ethical ERC consultant in the market, with the protection of our clients in mind. We have helped businesses receive ERC claims from $100,000 to more than $5 million dollars. Connect with one of our account specialists or complete the questionnaire to find out if your business is eligible for the ERC. Don't let your small business struggle during these difficult times, join the thousands of businesses we've helped by applying today at

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