Pioneers of The Great Awakening Series - Session 13: Alexandra Brave

1 year ago

Planet 🌎 Homemaking Podcast - The Pioneer Series are interviews with awakened individuals from all walks of life who are dedicated to help create a Real Home World.

Planet 🌎 Homemaking focuses on informing of Earth’s present situation and helping us heal our misunderstandings of reality so that we may contribute our own unique genius and the brilliance of our spiritual heritage towards building the foundation of a Real Home World.

Podcast Homepage:

Session 14:

Alexandra Brave

Alexandra Brave is the owner of the Telegram channel Light Workers Awakeness and Youtube Lightworkers Awakeness tv. She's a Mexican living in Germany, traveled across the world and lived in various Europen countries. She comes from a Shamanic ancestry from both sides of her family. Spirits talk to her, she does exorcism and Quantum Surgery and she leads groups for empowering spiritual woman who have began their awakening process and want to step out into the world.

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