Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: New value-based alliances between healthcare practitioners and consumers

1 year ago

“Do No Harm” – The Oslo International Conference – 19 November 2022
In the Wake of the Covid-19 Crisis

Bringing back sanctity and sanity to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research

We have entered in a new age of government led authoritarianism under the guise of biosecurity and with an unprecedented censorship of scientific debate threatening the very premise for public health and the sanctity of healthcare practice.

This international conference will address, not only the challenges, but also new opportunities arising out of the "Covid Crisis".

Astrid Stuckelberger, MSc, PhD

Privat-Docent MedicalFaculty, University of Geneva and Lausanne. Consultant to the World HealthOrganization (WHO). Expert on EU & Swiss scientific committees. President of the Geneva International Network on Aging created with WHO.

Astrid Stuckelberger isa prolific author and lecturer. She has authored more than 180 scientificarticles, policy papers and government,EU and UN reports and 12 bookpublications,

Astrid has over three decades worked closely withthe WHO contributing as co-author to several books around issues concerningmental health, health policy, innovation and International research ethics.

The last decade she worked with WHO on developinga training course for Member States in order to implement the WHO InternationalHealth Regulation (IHR) adopted by WHO General Assembly.

In this capacity she rapidly became sceptical ofthe Covid-19 narrative and WHO interventions that were contrary to the IHRpandemic preparedness guidelines. This led her from the
early days of the WHO declaration of a"pandemic" to question member states risk assessment and policy response in scientific and media articles.

About us:
Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare Workers' Alliance (NLHF: Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund) – A new Medical Association with the purpose of bringing back Medical Ethics to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research.

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