Walking Meditation

1 year ago

The pace is slow and can vary depending on the specific technique. Often, practitioners do a walking meditation session between seated meditations.

The technique has many possible benefits and may help you to feel more grounded, balanced, and serene. It also helps you to develop a different awareness of your surroundings, body, and thoughts.

Below you’ll find the many possible benefits of meditative walking.
1. Boost blood flow 
2. Improve digestion 
3. Reduce anxiety 
4. Improves blood sugar levels and circulation 
5. Alleviates depression 
6. Improves well-being 
7. Improves sleep quality 
8. Makes exercise enjoyable 
9. Inspires creativity 
10. Enhances balance 
Make mindful walking a part of your day 

Here are a few tips to help you get started with a consistent walking meditation routine:
Be aware of the present moment

Staying mindful of each moment is a habit that takes time to cultivate.

As often as you can, bring your mind to the present moment when you’re walking at any point in your day. Focus on the sounds around you, your breath, or any bodily sensations. Tune into your thoughts and observe them as they come and go.

See how the practice varies when you’re walking to a destination in a rush versus walking slowly.

photo credit : pexels-miriam-fischer-2645245

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