Death toll from Massive flooding in Philippines rises to 30 (18.01.2023)

1 year ago

Floods in the Philippines have claimed the lives of 30 people, the country’s National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Wednesday, adding that five people were missing and 13 others were injured.
According to the agency, 1,576,069 people are affected by the floods, while 200,687 of them are temporarily displaced.

The statement noted that 1,292 houses were damaged, with 383 of them completely destroyed. In addition, the natural disaster damaged 56 #bridges and 242 #roads, and disrupted the work of 26 #seaports.
The power and water supplies were affected in 63 and 17 cities respectively.
(@Manila News)
#flooddisaster #flooding #floods #philippines #extremeweather #rainfall
#landslide #landslides #climatechange #fatalities #missingpeople #rescueoperation #rescuers
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Philippine Floods, Landslides: Nationwide death toll at least 44 people , 28 still missing:

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