2 years ago

Next time you get arrested for saving the world demand the police smile and give you a photo shoot!. She's going to need serious counseling after this traumatic ordeal. I wonder how much Nike paid her to wear that horrid bumbag? Don't get me wrong I wear Nike but I'm not going all "Captain Planet" Either. I'm pretty sure Nike would be polluting the environment in sourcing materials and producing surely? possibly quite a lot, not to mention the slave trading that Greta is supporting.. I am so triggered right now! 😂

For the disbelievers among us.
It's CGI, it's fake, it's photoshopped no, it's... Real, Just like the agenda being pushed. the world is a stage, and there is no shortage of people wanting to "go to the movies". Watch it and make of it what you will. This whole thing is ridiculous. It defies common sense and logic that anyone would even consider any of this legitimate. They are laughing at all of us and think we are meandering imbeciles, please don't make them right. Greta's break into Hollywood, maybe she can get some pointers from Leo.

#greta #gretathunberg #publicitystunt #publicshaming #ismellbullshit #WEF #worldeconomicforum #worldeconomy #economiccollapse #economiccollapse #itsajoke #thejokeisonyou #nike #whatsitgonnatake #openyoureyes #instagood #insta #climatechange #andrewtate #staged #decoy #redacted #climatechangeisahoax #whatthefuck #farcical #facism #thematrix #endgame

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