Learn how to become a better Lucky Hook ball bowler #107 with Dann the Brooklyn Crusher on 01-15-23.#107 bowl video

2 years ago

Bowled 17 games in 2 hours with not so good an avg of 152 BOO! I think its the tape on my thumb? well me too! I bowled with 16lb fun balls or plastic polyethylene balls like I always do BUT since the balls are heaver then the 10lb balls I throw most the time I have trouble with the ball slipping at the bottom of the swing. if you feel the ball slipping it really screws up the feel of the ball & will throw you off a lot EVEN if you try hard to make up for that slip. I don't think your ball should move AT ALL in any part of your ball swing! I guess I don't feel the slippage as much with lighter ball. I've looked at some tapes you get from bowling places & that kind of tape don't look good to me NOT price wise or feel wise? I wounder why that is??? I'm looking for a tape that wont allow the ball to slip off your thumb or fingers until its released. putting tape inside a bowling ball I don't agree with at all. taping your finger & or thumb is the only true way to FIX the problem is my belief. what do I know though I have a louse ass 160 avg on league as of last W on 1-11-23. it should go up though cuz I did bowl a 556 series for the 3 games (I bowled with nothing on my fingers or thump) then when I opened bowled on 1-15-23 I used packing tape as normal. the bowling ally was packed it had a lot of people so I had to wait a light & I was bowling really CRAPPY like I was a beginner or something!! I had 3 STRIKE-LESS games something I said I was going to try hard NOT to do this year = BOO!!! vary BAD! if you can't bowl only 10 frames & not get a strike your NOT bowling your tossing a dam ball down the lane! come on 10 frames with NO strike & I did it in 5 games out of the 17 games I bowled in 2 hours: games #3, 4 & 5, then game 12 & 17game so its 31 straight frames then got a double after a 9 miss in my 6th game!!!!

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