Crows: William Branham White Supremacy Loaded Language

2 years ago

Throughout his ministry, William Branham said some very racist things. Most of these things today are uncommon and are simply missed by his cult followers, because Branham used loaded language from the 1920s through 1960s. Researchers who examine Branham’s Christian Identity Doctrine, however, realize that Branham was teaching the white supremacy doctrines of Wesley Swift. Branham simply ommitted the words “black” and “jew”, and instead used loaded language.

One of the words that Branham used to describe people of color was “crows”. This was a code word “blacks”. As William Branham compared himself to Elijah from the Old Testament, Branham described the “servants of Elijah”, which he explained were “colored people”. In some instances, Branham openly called people with black skin “Crows”.

This, too, was embedded in the doctrine of Wesley Swift. White supremacists of the era called African Americans “crows”, referring to the Jim Crow Laws in America.

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