NARA Dismissed Obama/Biden Doc Claims, Veritas Exposes CRT Still In GA, Milley In Ukraine

1 year ago

The National Archives dismissed claims of mishandling of documents by Obama and Biden just weeks before classified and Top secret documents were found in Joe Biden's home, garage and at his Biden Penn Center. Was someone at the Archives covering for Joe Biden and Barack Obama? The Department of Justice declined to have FBI agents present while Joe Biden's lawyers were searching his home and the Biden Penn center for classified and top secret documents. Why did the DOJ decide to do this knowing that possible classified and top secret documents may be found? Why was President Trump's home raided by the FBI and not Joe Biden's? Do Biden's lawyers have top secret clearances to view such documents if they find them? Online safety bill could effect CEO's like Mark Zuckerberg and others. England is on the verge of signing a much tougher online safety bill. Governor Hochul is mum on if she will help to house the more than 40,000 illegal aliens that are now in New York City. Why is a city that is saying it cannot take anymore people taking more people than they were months ago? Isn't being a "sanctuary city" illegal? The twitter files mapping out all the connections. Iran and Russia want to issue a stable coin backed by gold. They don't want to use fiat currency but all they have to do is back their currencies with gold and they won't be a "fiat" currency anymore. A stable coin is not needed. White House demands Kevin McCarthy disclose what deals he made with GOP colleagues before becoming speaker. General Milley holds meeting in Ukraine with Ukrainian chief near Polish border. What is an American General doing in a foreign war zone? Vietnam's President Phuc steps down. Ex intel official felt Hunter Biden emails had to be real before signing the disinfo letter anyway. With two days to raise the debt limit, congress is not in session and Biden is not negotiating. CNN admits the Ukraine is a "weapons lab". 54 soros tied figures linked to media. How does one man control so much? Why did Hunter Biden's LLC Owasco rent Joe Biden's house for so much money? It looks like money laundering to some. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot places fourth in election poll for upcoming mayoral race. Billionaire Illinois Governor Pritzker is in Davos, why? How does this visit to a foreign country serve the people of his state? Is legal weed in New York wreaking havoc? Are more people now stoned at work? New York's Kathy Hochul is silent on a 306 Billion dollar Penn Station redevelopment. I show you the old Penn Station and how beautiful it once was, some never understood why the city tore it down. Why did Biden attorney Dana Remus depart the White House soon after GOP Senators found a "pseudonym" email assigned to Joe Biden was discovered? More news.


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