Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav compares Globalist policies to Nazi Germany

1 year ago

Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav compares Globalist policies to what she witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany

“Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist
In a speech delivered Sunday in Brussels, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav described the striking parallels between what she witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany, and COVID policies being enacted today by governments around the globe.”

“A vital lesson from the Holocaust is that genocide was facilitated by global silence, indifference and the failure to intervene. The Holocaust was set in motion when personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside.

The author Primo Levi, an Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, warned: “It happened. Therefore it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.”

As a Holocaust survivor, I am appalled by poseurs who control the Holocaust narrative. They deny the relevance of the Holocaust to current discrimination and increasingly aggressive and repressive edicts.

These vigilantes censor and silence those who speak out. By denying the relevance of the Holocaust to current repression, the vigilantes are Holocaust deniers.

Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and Nobel laureate, was regarded as the victims’ voice. He stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Today, survivors are shaken by the fear-mongering, and divisive, discriminatory measures against a minority. Horrifying scenes include police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Australia, and, yes, in Israel. These are painful reminders of the prelude to the Holocaust in which the Nazis:

Used the psychological weapons of fear and propaganda to impose a genocidal regime.

Demonized Jews as the spreaders of disease and the cause of their misery.

Systematically obliterated moral norms and values.

Destroyed their social conscience in the name of public health.

Today’s predators are also using fear and propaganda to maintain a state of anxiety and helplessness. The objective — then and now — is identical — to condition people to become obedient and to follow directives without question.

The global assault on our freedoms and our right to self-determination is facilitated by the weaponization of medicine. Then and now, the medical establishment has provided
a veneer of legitimacy to mass medical murder.”

“Do not be deluded; the unvaccinated are not the enemy. The first step on the slippery slope to genocide is the stigmatization of a minority. Silence invites ever-increasing repressive restrictions. If we are to survive as free human beings, we must speak out against discrimination. We must not ever be silent again — not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”

More information on Vera here: https://citizenwells.substack.com/p/vera-sharav-holocaust-survivor-compares

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