Fall on Stairs? Here's What YOU Need to Know! [Call 312-500-4500]

2 years ago

Fall on Stairs? Here's What YOU Need to Know!

Chicago slip and fall lawyer Scott DeSalvo explains what you need to know in a slip and fall or trip and fall on stairs in this short, informative video. We talk about what must be proven and what evidence must be gathered to ensure you get full value on your case.

I truly hope that this information helps you to decide to get a free consultation from a qualified injury lawyer. If you have questions or need more help, give me a call, toll-free, at 888-HURT-318 (888-487-8318). Free, no obligation consultation in person or by phone.

Or, you aren't ready to talk to a lawyer, I have created a DVD Injury Video which you can get immediately delivered to your email. Same deal. Free, no obligation. Just click the link to get the Injury DVD and you will be taken to my website to give your name and email and I will email you the Injury DVD Video:


Want to see the NEWEST injury videos as they come out?

Subscribe Now!: http://goo.gl/ENv94e

Or check out my web site for MORE information about trip and fall, slip and fall and any kind of fall down case:


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I hope that this information helps you and gives useful information, and I am happy to answer any questions you have below or give me a call. Thanks.

Scott D. DeSalvo
Chicago Accident Attorney

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