What are the B vitamins?

2 years ago

“维生素B群有哪些? 维他命B群包括B1、B2、B6、B12、叶酸(B9)、泛酸(B5)、烟碱酸(B3)、生物素(B7)等。 它们是维持细胞生化作用重要的辅助酵素,人体无法制造或是制造量不足,必须经由食物补充摄取到足够剂量。维他命B群里的各个角色各司其职,也须团队合作,才有办法维持健康代谢以及各种生理机能的运行…维生素B群还是天然的抗压剂,帮助人体维护神经、内分泌系统并达到情绪的平衡。其中,与舒解压力最有关系的是维生素B1、B6、B12、叶酸、烟碱素…”
What are the B vitamins? They are B1, B2, B6, B12, B9, B5, B3, B7 etc., this group of eight essential nutrients that play roles in many organs and bodily systems. Although they can work together in the body, they also carry out their own unique functions to maintain body metabolism…

#维生素B #Vitamin B

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