AustraliaOne Party - Q&A Update with Riccardo Bosi 17th January 2023

1 year ago

17 January 2023
Q&A update with Riccardo Bosi

Books recommended by Riccardo
Constitution - The Political Theory of the American Founding by Thomas G. West
Philosophy - The Western Intellectual Tradition by Jacob Bronowski
Leadership - Greatness Awaits You by Riccardo Bosi
Legal - Department of Defense Law of War Manual
Psychology - Brain-Wash by Alan Gourley
The Ringing Cedars Book Series
Sustainable Gardens - Read anything from Bill Mollison
Religion - Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Myer
Religion - Escaping from Eden by Paul Wallis
Religion - Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
Politics - Frauding Of Elections? by Amy McGrath
Politics - Make the Liberal Party Great Again by John Ruddick
Indigenous - Red over Black – behind the Aboriginal land rights by Geoff McDonald
Economics - International economic order implications for Australia, report by the standing committee for defense and trade Feb. 1980
Remedies - The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies by Nicole Apelian Nicole and Claude Davis

Hillsdale College's FREE course on the American constitution

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