Looking Towards a Better Future/End | God of War Ragnarök #108

2 years ago

Welcome back to God of War Ragnarök! Ladies and gentlemen, it has all come down to this! The final things on the completion list are scattered around Midgard but within our reach. We have some bonus encounters with Týr and Skjöldr. We fight one last troll that was imprisoned by the dwarves and we finish the favor of collecting all the ingredients we needed for a "Meal of Comfort". And finally the big cheese, the final boss that I must face: The Berserker King, King Hrólf Kraki. He has all the moves of his 12 berserkers at his disposal so I need to be wary, to say the least. Finally, to end the day we head back to our home in Midgard to visit one last time and end at Sindri's home. Thanks for coming along the journey.

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Thanks for watching, KirbyJuan.

Hey you, yea you with the eyes and reading these words, what're ya doing down here?

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