2 years ago

Do you realize that the Clock of God, is HIS HEART/ its HIS BREASTPLATE-CONNECTED TO THE TREE FO LIFE? Because all 3 things comprise the characteristics of His personality (the qualities of His heart- which are built around all 12 tribes of Israel). Wo when you place His breastplate on He is covering your unrighteousness with HIS OWN Righteousness!
SO YES = DO put on Jesus every day in this new place, STEP into Jesus- Step into His Tree of Life – for when you put on His breastplate He places you behind His throne of God for Protection…where Jesus stands in front of you.
So YES, Do pray John 10:7- Step into Jesus, then pray that God place you into His tree of Life- attached like a branch to His Vine Rom 3:22, Rom 8:2.
For from the throne comes grace- If we are in deed in Christ (and not in religion) we are standing in the Throne of Grace where all grace abounds. When we are standing in Christ and He is seated on His throne- this represents Gods Sovereignty in ALL your situation. Because nothing can touch you/your family/things if your standing in Gods Sovereignty. Which also means, if you CHOOSE to stand here- and YOU ARE OUTSIDE of the will of God – GOD WILL FORCE YOU TO ALIGN correctly so that you can stand in ALL TRUTH! And not your version of it. SO it will also bring pressure as He brings you into all truth to find out where you life does and DOES NOT ALIGN with Him in KINGDOM- IF you desire to serve Him in these higher levels.
Sometimes we can think we are hearing God – but at the lower levels- most of the time our desires are based in the flesh and its why God brings us higher into His spirit of ALL TRUTH so that we can step into HIGHER pureness to hear God correctly. Those with the Gifts of love operate in this type of pureness (Blessed are the pure in heart they shall see God Matt 5:8). SURRENDING TO GODS WILL is your starting place….into ALL TRUTH. Even about your own future, your heart condition, and Gods TRUE will for your life.
PROPHETCALLY: At current: we are beginning to see the heightened witchcraft begin to affect those that have chosen to stay at the lower parts of Gods mountain. Because as the light gets lighter, so should Gods people- we should ALL be moving into His glory- but for 75% of the body- many have been stuck because of lack of understanding of HOW TO MOVE FORWARD- which has affected their destinies.

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