What will happen if you eat 2 bananas per day?

2 years ago

banana #healthylifestyle #benefits
Benefits of eating banana
Are you sick of the blah blah blahs and ready for some amazing facts about bananas? Are you a health nut looking for some nutrition? Look no further, as we peel back the surface to reveal tips about healthy eating backed by science. We go beyond your typical tasty finger food, and explore what bananas really can do for your body. .1. Bananas are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6 and C.2. Bananas are a good source of fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels in the body.3. Banana consumption has been linked to decreased risks for coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity by boosting insulin sensitivity in the body. .4. Bananas have been linked to increased cognitive function in adults because of their antioxidants, particularly vitamin-B6, which is able to convert homocysteine into healthy cystathionine and taurine.5. Most importantly, bananas are the perfect snack for weight control: studies show that high fiber intake can help lower body weight and BMI over time, especially when combined with other diet modifications such as exercise and a reduced calorie intake.
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