JUAN O SAVIN- General Flynn, The Captured Organization- Patriot Productions 4 24 2020

2 years ago

From the Archives- This was one of the most concise moments that covers many of the ideals that Juan has communicated that our Biblical and Political ideals are based on. The Numbers show the very Physical Spiritual War. And that we do not battle against Flesh and Blood but Principalities in High Places. We have to understand the way that Satan built his empire on the bone fires of Symbolism. We are again coming up on the Ester Moment, the Flip that was in the Book of Ester.
The almost three years since this Presentation. A tough period of time that tried men's and women's Souls. As the STORM has raged and we have seen a Frauded Election, the Plandemic and Vax, the Rise of True Evil. So much of this is because of Globalism, and the attempt at taking over our Elections was International. Saving Knowledge is a deeper form of Perception. Saving Knowledge which Juan O Savin explains is the ability to connect directly with God and speak to him- one on one- in your "mind" and discover your TRUE mission in LIFE. You then have the access to the Library of Life. This is where all history is available. Every life path every dot and tiddle of ones life that is completely reviewed and logged at that moment of passing.
This Physical Existence is the Realm that Satan plays on. In the Media, In the Three Letter Agencies, The Money System, The Political Circus. As we learn more we can CALL OUT this EVIL. And say again that we are going to the next level. SLAVES NO MORE. This is a MARATHON.. not a SPRINT. Now two years later.. understand this is an ONGOING process.. never give up! BATTLE Tested BATTLE Hardened BATTLE Proven. The Long Game. A GIFT.

Q Drop 4289
19-May-2020 4:23:22 PM EDT
1+9+5+2+2+4+2+3+2+2=32<>23 Effects the Whole World. (Each parent-Man/Woman contributes 23 chromosomes to the child)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
yeah yeah wait a tad longer we know
we're waiting patiently still :)
It's a marathon not a sprint.

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